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2nd Ranger Battalion helmet
Saving Private Ryan

2nd Ranger Battalion helmet

Biggles (Neil Dickson) flying coat

Biggles (Neil Dickson) flying coat

Cardinal Richelieu (Charlton Heston) costume
Three Musketeers (The) - 1973

Cardinal Richelieu (Charlton Heston) costume

DI Frost (David Jason) shirt
A Touch of Frost

DI Frost (David Jason) shirt

David Tate (Mike Farrell) spacesuit - The Pioneers
Six Million Dollar Man (The)

David Tate (Mike Farrell) spacesuit - The Pioneers

THRUSH trooper costume - The Ultimate Computer Affair
Man From U.N.C.L.E (The) (TV)

THRUSH trooper costume - The Ultimate Computer Affair

Faithful of Set hood
Conan the Barbarian

Faithful of Set hood

François Villon (Ronald Colman) tunic
If I Were King

François Villon (Ronald Colman) tunic

Roman Centurion (Roy Kinnear) costume
The Peterborough Effect

Roman Centurion (Roy Kinnear) costume

Convention attendee sweater
Galaxy Quest

Convention attendee sweater

Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) spacesuit utility pouch
Event Horizon

Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) spacesuit utility pouch

Battle of Carthage costume

Battle of Carthage costume

Batboy Stogies jersey
Long Gone

Batboy Stogies jersey

Beta male costume
Brave New World

Beta male costume

Rebel Trooper vest
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Rebel Trooper vest

Dave Lister (Craig Charles) fingerless glove
Red Dwarf

Dave Lister (Craig Charles) fingerless glove

Gamma boy costume
Brave New World

Gamma boy costume

The Clock King (Walter Slezak) clock patch - The Clock King's Crazy Crimes
Batman (TV)

The Clock King (Walter Slezak) clock patch - The Clock King's Crazy Crimes

The Thing (Michael Chiklis) arm
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

The Thing (Michael Chiklis) arm

Medic helmet
Saving Private Ryan

Medic helmet