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The Snipper (Emily Booth) dentures & contact lenses

The Snipper (Emily Booth) dentures & contact lenses

Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) costume
Hawaii Five-O

Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) costume

Townsend Harris (John Wayne) waistcoat
Barbarian and the Geisha (The)

Townsend Harris (John Wayne) waistcoat

The Killer (Terry Walsh) costume
Nightmare Man (The)

The Killer (Terry Walsh) costume

Production made robot costume

Production made robot costume

Alpha male (Paul Tulley) costume
Brave New World

Alpha male (Paul Tulley) costume

Athos (Oliver Reed) doublet
Four Musketeers (The)

Athos (Oliver Reed) doublet

Al Capone (Jason Robards) costume
St. Valentine's Day Massacre (The)

Al Capone (Jason Robards) costume

Blades fencing club polo shirt
James Bond: Die Another Day

Blades fencing club polo shirt

Crew shirt
Industrial Light & Magic

Crew shirt

Dominick Hide (Peter Firth) futuristic jacket
Flipside of Dominick Hide (The)

Dominick Hide (Peter Firth) futuristic jacket

Coppin (Lloyd Bridges) waistcoat
Plymouth Adventure

Coppin (Lloyd Bridges) waistcoat

Mycroft Holmes (Christopher Lee) frock coat
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes

Mycroft Holmes (Christopher Lee) frock coat

Baron von Leinsdorf stunt (Alf Joint) jacket
Seven-Per-Cent Solution (The)

Baron von Leinsdorf stunt (Alf Joint) jacket

Pacific Space Lines waistcoat
Star Cops

Pacific Space Lines waistcoat

Jim Hawkins (Christian Bale) sailor slops
Treasure Island

Jim Hawkins (Christian Bale) sailor slops

Bat Morgan (James Cagney) waistcoat
Frisco Kid

Bat Morgan (James Cagney) waistcoat

Steve Donahue (Johnnie Ray) waistcoat
There's No Business Like Show Business

Steve Donahue (Johnnie Ray) waistcoat

Meyer Lansky (Ben Kingsley) suit

Meyer Lansky (Ben Kingsley) suit