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Production crew cap
Empire of the Sun

Production crew cap

Daily Gotham newspaper
Batman Returns

Daily Gotham newspaper

Kit West personal annotated script
Paper Tiger

Kit West personal annotated script

Cutting continuity script

Cutting continuity script

Titanic 1:6 scale window miniature

Titanic 1:6 scale window miniature

Garland Greene (Steve Buscemi) restraint
Con Air

Garland Greene (Steve Buscemi) restraint

Production used script - Something Special

Production used script - Something Special

Production used script
Captain Clegg

Production used script

Final production budget
Omen III: The Final Conflict

Final production budget

Club program
Cotton Club (The)

Club program

Spaceship filming miniature - Psirens
Red Dwarf

Spaceship filming miniature - Psirens

Brian Johnson personal cloud planet aliens concept
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Brian Johnson personal cloud planet aliens concept

Production chair back
Alien Nation (TV)

Production chair back

Bay Colony Foods help badge

Bay Colony Foods help badge

Production used script - The Weird World
Land of the Giants

Production used script - The Weird World

Sundance Film Festival promotional booklet

Sundance Film Festival promotional booklet

Crew parking pass
Parent Trap (The)

Crew parking pass

Major John Reisman (Lee Marvin) officers tunic
Dirty Dozen (The)

Major John Reisman (Lee Marvin) officers tunic

Production used script
Die Hard 2

Production used script

Production used concept design - Carol
Where the Wild Things Are

Production used concept design - Carol