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Hand drawn concept artwork - Ira
Where the Wild Things Are

Hand drawn concept artwork - Ira

Location filming sign

Location filming sign

Mooncalf skeleton concept design artwork
First Men in the Moon

Mooncalf skeleton concept design artwork

Hand painted costume design artwork
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Hand painted costume design artwork

Grappling hook
Last Samurai (The)

Grappling hook

Final production budget
A Man for All Seasons

Final production budget

Dropship miniature rear wing

Dropship miniature rear wing

The Cat (Mike Myers) hat ring pull
Dr Seuss' The Cat in the Hat

The Cat (Mike Myers) hat ring pull

Retractable special effects wakizashi
Last Samurai (The)

Retractable special effects wakizashi

Production used cast lists
Professionals (The) (TV)

Production used cast lists

Kay Davies (Meg Ryan) dress
Flesh and Bone

Kay Davies (Meg Ryan) dress

Michael Moore annotated storyboard
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Michael Moore annotated storyboard

Crew jacket
Dukes of Hazzard (The)

Crew jacket

Production used clapperboard
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Production used clapperboard

Production used script
Twins of Evil

Production used script

Texas City building miniature sections - Journey to Where
Space: 1999

Texas City building miniature sections - Journey to Where

Production used script - The Brand of the Beast
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (TV)

Production used script - The Brand of the Beast

Final production budget
Omen (The)

Final production budget

Crew jacket
Ice Pirates (The)

Crew jacket

Dropship bay miniature wall panel

Dropship bay miniature wall panel