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Gotham City resident suit

Gotham City resident suit

Bendy Bully contestant prize

Bendy Bully contestant prize

Magician stationary
Industrial Light & Magic

Magician stationary

Walter White (Bryan Cranston) Erlenmeyer flask - Pilot
Breaking Bad

Walter White (Bryan Cranston) Erlenmeyer flask - Pilot

Gonzo spectator sign
Muppets from Space

Gonzo spectator sign

Production used clapperboard
Fat Friends

Production used clapperboard

Miniature barrel
Thomas and Friends

Miniature barrel

Cast autographed hero Ranger belt
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

Cast autographed hero Ranger belt

Cello miniature

Cello miniature

Crew jacket
Mission: Impossible

Crew jacket

Production used script

Production used script

Oscar Henner (Joe Pesci) costume
Betsy's Wedding

Oscar Henner (Joe Pesci) costume

Crew parking pass
Natural (The)

Crew parking pass

Police motorcycle licence plate
Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Police motorcycle licence plate

Pod Clock (Jim Broadbent) costume
Borrowers (The)

Pod Clock (Jim Broadbent) costume

Sulaco 1:4 scale floor tile

Sulaco 1:4 scale floor tile

Production used storyboard - Regula I
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn

Production used storyboard - Regula I

Gallifreyan staser pistol - Arc of Infinity
Doctor Who

Gallifreyan staser pistol - Arc of Infinity

Production used script
Green Mile (The)

Production used script

Sunflowers miniature
Bob the Builder

Sunflowers miniature