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Zeus Carver (Samuel L. Jackson) distressed shirt
Die Hard with a Vengeance

Zeus Carver (Samuel L. Jackson) distressed shirt

Drax Moonraker costume patch
James Bond: Moonraker

Drax Moonraker costume patch

Visual effects storyboard breakdown

Visual effects storyboard breakdown

Poster artwork studio transparency
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

Poster artwork studio transparency

Gotham City taxi licence plate
Batman Returns

Gotham City taxi licence plate

Colony worker costume

Colony worker costume

Linwood G. Dunn production letter
Exorcist (The)

Linwood G. Dunn production letter

Arthur face appliance
Thomas and Friends

Arthur face appliance

Dr. Vasili Orlov (Oleg Rudnik) flight suit
2010: The Year We Make Contact

Dr. Vasili Orlov (Oleg Rudnik) flight suit

Action unit blueprint - 81st floor
Towering Inferno (The)

Action unit blueprint - 81st floor

Letter from Sir James Carreras to Valerie Leon
Hammer Film Productions

Letter from Sir James Carreras to Valerie Leon

One-Eyed Willy treasure coin
Goonies (The)

One-Eyed Willy treasure coin

2nd Ranger Battalion jacket
Saving Private Ryan

2nd Ranger Battalion jacket

Production used concept design - Atmosphere Processor

Production used concept design - Atmosphere Processor

Vintage 10" x 8" still - Godzilla
Godzilla, King of the Monsters!

Vintage 10" x 8" still - Godzilla

Barf (John Candy) costume

Barf (John Candy) costume

Barbie Cenobite barbed wire head appliance
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

Barbie Cenobite barbed wire head appliance

James Cameron conceptual artwork studio transparency
Terminator (The)

James Cameron conceptual artwork studio transparency

Irish club poster
Life on Mars

Irish club poster

Foot Soldier (Terry D. Rich) mask
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

Foot Soldier (Terry D. Rich) mask