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Licence plate
Brink's Job (The)

Licence plate

British issue stunt Webley Mk VI

British issue stunt Webley Mk VI

Grain sack miniature
Wallace and Gromit - A Matter of Loaf and Death

Grain sack miniature

Licence plate
River (The)

Licence plate

Oversized spider

Oversized spider

Pig reference head

Pig reference head

Mungo Morrison stop motion puppet

Mungo Morrison stop motion puppet

Rocky (Mel Gibson) maquette
Chicken Run

Rocky (Mel Gibson) maquette

Wonka bar
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Wonka bar

Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) vanity set

Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) vanity set

Squishington stop motion puppet
Bump in the Night

Squishington stop motion puppet

Renergize energy drinks

Renergize energy drinks

The Thing (Michael Chiklis) arm
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

The Thing (Michael Chiklis) arm

Skagra (Christopher Neame) hero large scale spaceship filming miniature - Shada
Doctor Who

Skagra (Christopher Neame) hero large scale spaceship filming miniature - Shada

Ford Explorer decal
Jurassic Park

Ford Explorer decal

Mars Colony Security Force helmet
Total Recall

Mars Colony Security Force helmet

Egyptian scroll - Pyramids of Mars
Doctor Who

Egyptian scroll - Pyramids of Mars

The Kurgan (Clancy Brown) sword

The Kurgan (Clancy Brown) sword

Illuminated manuscript
Name of the Rose (The)

Illuminated manuscript

Lou Glutz Motors licence plate
National Lampoon's Vacation

Lou Glutz Motors licence plate