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Salt & pepper shakers
Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas (The)

Salt & pepper shakers

Large scale distressed car miniature
Fifth Element (The)

Large scale distressed car miniature

Max Guevara (Jessica Alba) motorcycle licence plate
Dark Angel

Max Guevara (Jessica Alba) motorcycle licence plate

The Joker (Jack Nicholson) Smylex product box

The Joker (Jack Nicholson) Smylex product box

Chris Gardner Jr. (Jaden Smith) Captain America doll
Pursuit of Happyness (The)

Chris Gardner Jr. (Jaden Smith) Captain America doll

Lou's Cafe telephone directory page
Back to the Future

Lou's Cafe telephone directory page

Bus sign miniature
Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Bus sign miniature

Large Sodium Hydroxide bag
Breaking Bad

Large Sodium Hydroxide bag

The Wolf (Harvey Keitel) banknote
Pulp Fiction

The Wolf (Harvey Keitel) banknote

Vervoid hand - Terror of the Vervoids
Doctor Who

Vervoid hand - Terror of the Vervoids

Superman (Christopher Reeve) flying miniature test armature

Superman (Christopher Reeve) flying miniature test armature

Prince Nuada (Luke Goss) stunt sword
Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Prince Nuada (Luke Goss) stunt sword

ILM visual effects miniature tennis ball
Witches of Eastwick (The)

ILM visual effects miniature tennis ball

Mars Colony Security Force helmet
Total Recall

Mars Colony Security Force helmet

Winston Smith (John Hurt) Ingsoc newspaper
Nineteen Eighty-Four

Winston Smith (John Hurt) Ingsoc newspaper

James Bond (Roger Moore) master head miniature
James Bond: For Your Eyes Only

James Bond (Roger Moore) master head miniature

The Kurgan (Clancy Brown) fang

The Kurgan (Clancy Brown) fang

Top Dollar (Michael Wincott) special effects head
Crow (The)

Top Dollar (Michael Wincott) special effects head

Dalek-Human Tommy gun - Evolution of the Daleks
Doctor Who

Dalek-Human Tommy gun - Evolution of the Daleks

Arthur Bach (Dudley Moore) Rolls-Royce rose

Arthur Bach (Dudley Moore) Rolls-Royce rose