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Crew shirt

Crew shirt

Crew issued thank you card
Hobbit (The): An Unexpected Journey

Crew issued thank you card

Production used clapperboard
American Pie Presents: Band Camp

Production used clapperboard

Miss Spider maquette head
James and the Giant Peach

Miss Spider maquette head

Crew fleece
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Crew fleece

Production used script
Oscar and Lucinda

Production used script

Vigo the Carpathian (Wilhelm von Homburg) special effects lifecast
Ghostbusters II

Vigo the Carpathian (Wilhelm von Homburg) special effects lifecast

Dialogue continuity script - Who Plays the Dummy?
Department S

Dialogue continuity script - Who Plays the Dummy?

Closed set sign
James Bond: Casino Royale

Closed set sign

Miniature baseball bat crew gift
Natural (The)

Miniature baseball bat crew gift

Dialogue continuity script - The Black Patch
Adventures of Robin Hood (The) (TV)

Dialogue continuity script - The Black Patch

Kenneth Branagh (Hercule Poirot) security pass
A Haunting in Venice

Kenneth Branagh (Hercule Poirot) security pass

Jane Horrocks personal script
Absolutely Fabulous

Jane Horrocks personal script

Jeremy Summers personal script - The Man With the Foot
Danger Man

Jeremy Summers personal script - The Man With the Foot

Creature effects crew jacket
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Creature effects crew jacket

Angel Interceptor studio reference Polaroid
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons

Angel Interceptor studio reference Polaroid

Production used Roald Dahl first draft screenplay
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Production used Roald Dahl first draft screenplay

Production paperwork
Spitfire Grill (The)

Production paperwork

Production used cinescript
Andromeda Strain (The)

Production used cinescript

8" x 10" studio poster negative
When Harry Met Sally...

8" x 10" studio poster negative