Doctor Who

Kane (Edward Peel) BBC exhibition melting head - Dragonfire



This melting head for the character of Kane (Edward Peel) from the 1987 Doctor Who serial Dragonfire was created for and used in various BBC exhibitions, most notably those at Longleat.

This was created by the special effects partnership of Susan Moore and Stephen Mansfield who supplied numerous creature masks to the series throughout the 1980's. The head is cast in foam rubber and is taken from a sculpt created during the production to show how the demise of the character may appear, it features a well detailed paint finish with resin teeth and glue so simulate melting flesh. The hair is largely painted with a partial wig applied to one side where it could still be seen once wearing a hat and features a collar of white material to the neck area with the foam base sporting remnants of glue where it was attached to the display.

The head stands an approximately 13" high and remains in remarkable condition with no deterioration, very fine.

An impressive and displayable artefact with genuine ties to the production of this classic science fiction series.

Movie / TV Show Doctor Who